

M4 U2

发布时间:2019-09-24 15:28 栏目:教学设计 发布单位:天津市滨海新区大港小 点击量:2707 【公开】

   Module 4  Home alone


Unit2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone


I Teaching material analysis  

This module describe the situations about students being alone at home by different language learning activities.At the same time it hints students to pay attention to improve the ability of living alone. This topic “Home alone”related to our life which makes this module  more meaningful.   Unit 2 describe the  story  of  student Zheng  Chenyu who stays at home alone . During  the reading process, Teachers should lead the students to find out the key sentences of the article and catch the specific imformation of the writer’s feelings.

IIStudents analysis

  Students nowadays are lack of  the ability of living alone. They seldom has the chance to practice their  ability of live alone.  Teenagers  are especially bored with  parents orders. After learning, students will  realize their shortcomings  and learn to live by themselves . The students have got the ability o f  finishing the reading tasks in class.  

 III  Teaching aims

1.Knowlege aims

 Key vocabularyactually, manage, unhappy, order, business, sofa, snack, midnight, empty, burn, cup, task

Key structures: turn off, be worried about, on business, have fun, hand in, unable to do, all day, tidy up, wake up, hurry to do sth.[Zxxk.Com][来源:Zxxk.Com]

2.Ability aims

 1). To get key words about the changes of ones feelings

 2)Get to know the basic structure and specific imformation.

3). To master the adverbial clause of concession and results.

3.Moral objective: To know more about other person’s problems and master some basic skills in the life.

4.Teachingimportant points

1.To learn some expressions in the passage.

2.To learn the adverbial clause concession and results

5.Teaching difficult points

1. To get information specific information from the article.

2. The use of adverbial clause ofsothat..  Although  but etc.

IV Teaching methods: Communicative approach; Task-based approach;    Group work

V Teaching aids: Multi- media; Handouts

Ⅵ  Evaluation aids: Group work evaluation; Self- evaluation

ⅦTeaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

1. Ask and answer: What do your parents usually do for you?

2. Oral practice:Use so, so...that... such...that Although “butto make sentences


设计意图: 课前热身,巩固练习使用so, so that, such that, Although等用法。

Step 2 Reading

1. Fast reading

Read and match

  Para 1              a) Excited about the life without his parents

Para 2              b) Lonely and helpless about the life alone

Para 3              c) Unhappy about the life with parent

every day

Para 4              d) Tired of the home alone life


 2. Intensive reading

1)Read para. 2 and answer the questions

  What does the writer think about the life with his parents? Why?

Is the writer a playful(爱玩的) boy before? Why?

 2)Read para.2 and complete the table

 3)Read para.3 and complete the form

 4)Read para.4 and answer the question

   Does the writer finally succeed in managing his own life?

How do you know


3. After reading

1) Try to choose a sentence that best summarizes(总结、归纳) the whole passage.

 a) Zheng Chenyu found his life more difficult without his parents.

 b) Zheng Chenyu depended on his parents to prepare meals for him.

 c) Zheng Chenyu had so much homework that he did not have time to look after himself.

 d) Zheng Chenyu should learn to cook.

2) Use different adjectives to describe the changes of the writers feelings.

设计意图:对于 叙事类文章要引导学生抓住人物感受的细节信息,尤其注意 形容词的变化

Step3 Make a survey

Why do your parents try to manage your life? 

If your parents aren’t at home, can you


I can… but I can’t…     Although I can.. . I cant,  so  that

设计意图:通过对学生的调查让学生进一步熟悉操练but, although, so that的用法

Step 4 Learn to write

                         My ……holiday

   __________my parents went to _____________for a few days. It is my________ holiday.On the first day I felt_______________ because__________________I could___________ but I couldn’t______________/ Although_________, I__________________.

On the second day, I _____ so_________that I____________.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I missed my parents so much,but I looked after myself very well. They were happy to find__________


It’s  really my holiday.


Step 5 Homework

Write a small passage about your holiday




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